This month’s toolbox talk focuses on Breaking the Stigma. In this video toolbox talk, we dive deeper into this issue and provide more tips for breaking the stigma.
We all need to care for our mental health just as we do our physical health. However, there is still significant shame around mental health and seeking help when someone is struggling. Nearly 1 in 25 adults in America lives with a serious mental illness, and 1 in 5 adults experiences serious adverse emotional reactions.
The consequences of giving in to the stigma and shame around mental health can be life-threatening. We lose more construction workers to suicide than to job site injuries or accidents, which is why it’s so important to be open about mental health challenges and encourage seeking help.
Promote Help-Seeking Behaviors
We understand that getting help or talking about mental health can be difficult. CSPP is committed to making it easy, which leads us to this tip: make flyers and mental health resources readily available for your crew. We have flyers you can display on the job site, in bathrooms, or break rooms.
You can use this flyer to encourage your team to assess their mental well-being and, if needed, connect with help privately and on their own time without asking someone directly.
Take it Seriously
Finally, breaking the stigma means treating mental health the same way we treat physical health. For example, if someone is injured on-site, we immediately assist by following protocols to ensure the injured worker gets help. The same principle applies to mental health. It’s essential to understand the steps involved in helping someone in need and to avoid shaming them for seeking help.
For more information, check out the video toolbox talk and flyer here!
You can also listen to the video toolbox here or wherever you get your Podcasts.