As we approach the end of 2022, we want to pause and thank all of our partners for helping grow the CSPP. We have had a productive year ranging from providing ongoing QPR(Question Persuade Refer) training, presenting at national, regional, and state conferences, delivering toolbox talks, writing numerous grants, launching a new podcast (we have over 500 downloads!), facilitating monthly meetings that included presentations from regional partners, and developing new materials, we have laid the groundwork for an exciting 2023!
The year culminated with Hoffman Construction Company collaborating with the CSPP and Lines For Life on a fundraising effort, which will elevate our work to the next level. As part of this effort, Hoffman produced a new video for our website. They have also recorded individualized testimonials that give us a template for capturing the many diverse stories of strength that permeate every facet of the construction industry. In 2023, we will share more on-the-ground stories on our website and our podcast.
In the coming months, we intend to add additional staff to help CSPP advance our mission. We have a lot of work to do. We want to expand our suicide and substance abuse prevention services, foster new relationships, grow our brand, measure our impact, and continue advocating for the psychological safety of the construction community.
At our next meeting on January 20th, we will provide an overview of our 2023 goals. For now, we want to say “Thank You!” for all your support. We hope you have a great holiday season and are preparing for a phenomenal 2023!