Hello! My name is Anna Klein, and I am the new CSPP Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at Lines for Life! If you’ve been engaging with CSPP recently, you might already know me from monthly member meetings, our podcast, Boom! Goes the Stigma, or community mental health trainings, all of which I worked on as part of my AmeriCorps service. I am so excited to be an official employee of Lines for Life working full-time with the CSPP and all of you.
For me, suicide prevention in the construction industry is personal. My dad started as a sheet metal apprentice 23 years ago, shortly after I was born, and today is a foreman at his shop. His work in the industry put a roof over our heads and food on our table. I deeply appreciate how my dad and all other construction professionals work hard to provide for their families while also building the infrastructure that makes everyday life possible for all of us.
I’ve also seen firsthand how impactful this job can be on the physical and mental health of those who pursue it. My dad will tell me how much better things have gotten since he first started, but there is still so much more we can do to make a difference in the lives of construction professionals and prevent suicide.
One of my first goals is to hear from our current partners about what we are doing well and areas we can improve to keep you engaged with our mission. If you are on our contact list, don’t be surprised if you get an email or phone call from me soon.
I’m working hard with Max to help develop new tools for our members to utilize. New toolbox talks, training modules, podcast episodes, and materials are in the works.
In addition, I am a certified QPR and MHFA trainer and will be exploring the best ways to make those trainings available to our group.
And lastly, we want to ensure our mission and goals reach every level and sector of construction. This will be done through direct one-on-one outreach, tabling at events and conferences, presentations, the development of social media, and our podcast. In particular, we want to reach smaller construction companies, unions, pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs, and organizations that support construction workers from diverse backgrounds.
In the coming weeks, I hope to connect with as many of our partners as possible. In the meantime, please know that I am here to support you in making the construction industry a safer place for everyone.